The 5 Qualities of Barack Obama Make Him Great


Barack Obama made history when he became the first African-American President. It was a shock for many how a biracial person could reach such heights.

Obama is believed to be among the most renowned US presidents. Barack Obama was a lawyer by profession. The American nation remained in the trauma of the Civil War till 1865, especially against the African community. Abraham Lincoln became the first president to end the civil war in his country. Due to this fact, he is among the most admired and greatest presidents in US history. So it is not easy for any African American to reach such heights in a country that has faced racism and civil wars. Obama has exceptional skills, which made it possible for someone from that background can make it happen.

“I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.”
Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream


Obama remained a constitutional lawyer before entering the presidency. His thoughts and decisions follow complete ethics and principles. Unlike others, he didn’t use to behave immaturely or foolishly. He only talks when it is essential to give a point of view. He believes in his skills and explains things with logic. When he went to know about Osama’s whereabouts, he didn’t order a drone attack rather, he opted for ground operation, which shows his great mentality of understanding things from a very simple level.


He is a great entertainer. You will not get bored listening to his speeches. He will do some little act that will make you laugh. These goodwill gestures make little moments memorable for the rest of your life.


Obama reached such heights through his great communication skills. His speech before the presidential election of 2004 was among the best speeches of his life. He knows the art of getting attention and attraction from the audience.

"I stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents’ dreams live on in my two precious daughters. I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."


He was not only a great speaker. He was a great listener as well. If you see his many dialogues and shows, he first used to listen to others completely. This quality makes him very prominent and unique from many presidents. Someone in such a position rarely has a humble attitude. This gesture makes him great, great, great, and great.


He was a man of principle and ethics. It takes time to understand a man like him. He was the president when America was facing a nightmare of terrorism. He not only carried out operations against Osama bin Laden but also led many counter-terrorism operations that led to some success in the war on terrorism.

Source-janeb13 on Pixabay