7 Hidden Lessons in the Squid Game


The Squid Game finds its place among the most-watched series of all time. The series has deep-rooted lessons and covers many aspects of daily life.

The South Korean series has broken many records in streaming so far. The survival series has seven hidden messages that can be effective in our social and professional lives.

1- Courage to embrace failures

Failures are part of everyone’s life. It is better to try and fail instead of not to try. The failures give us a lot of learning and groom us enough to take any opportunity. The renowned novelist Paulo Coelho mentioned brilliantly in his most admired novel the importance of failures. He mentioned "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: that is the fear of failure. When we think of freedom and optimism, it can be more effective in our daily lives.

2- Haste makes waste

In this 21st century, life has become enormously fast. But, certain things take time. Success is not about the work of 1 or 2 months. But, it takes a lot of time. We have so many examples in history. One of the famous Nobel prize laureates, Nelson Mandela spent his 27 years in prison and then went on to become the president of the country. Then we have an example of Abraham Lincoln as well. His father was a cobbler. But, he worked enough to become the president and end the civil war. His contribution to racism turned the American nation to the peak of economic opportunities.

3- Teamwork is necessary for success

There is nothing in this world that can be done without the efforts of the team we own. Great leaders know how to build a strong team. The loyalty of the team can surely lead to higher growth and productivity. The 32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt said in an interview "I’m not the smartest fellow in the world, but I sure can pick smart colleagues." Genuine leaders have a greater idea about the importance of teamwork.

4- Life has no shortcuts

Simply, there are no shortcuts in life. Life tests everyone before the blessing of success. The founder of KFC, colonel started the company at the age of 66. No one believed that the old man would lead this company to such growth after numerous failures in life. There is everything "Maktub" written.

5- Never trust anyone

The simple rule of life is to respect everyone but trust no one. When we start to believe someone blindly then we lose some part of our observation and judgement. Here we can face a big blow and deception as Ali was deceived. The less you trust the less you get hurt.

6- Virtue is its revenge

One of the best scenes of the series is when Seong charity all the rewards to the mother of the man who wanted to kill him. If you stay positive in a negative situation you win. Being positive in a negative situation is not naive, it’s leadership. That is the real message of the series. That is how Seong managed to win the reward.

7- When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Seong was faced with the enormous uncertainties of life. He borrowed enough money that he couldn’t be able to pay through his entire life. Here luck finds him. When he was faced with unknown challenges, he embraced them with hope and optimism and won. That should be the rule of life.